Model of Childhood Engagement
When we think about the greatest impacts of Disability and Neurodiversity on our capacity to do the things we need and want to do, the common denominators are environments, systems, education approaches, employment and social relationships that either don’t understand, care about, or cater to our needs.
It’s not that we are inherently ‘wrong’, ‘lacking’ or ‘broken’, its that we often don’t understand our own needs, and those around us are not making adjustments for our bodies and brains.
Existing as a disabled person is rarely without issue, but when ‘invisible’ disabilities, chronic illness, mental health difficulties and neurodivergence come into play, our difficulties participating in life, within a society that doesn’t understand us, and isn’t designed for us, are seen as being ‘difficult’ or ‘aloof’, our responses seen as ‘behaviour’, ‘defiance’, ‘rudeness’, and even ‘aggression’.