You Can Join Us, But Only If You’re Good???

August 25, 2023
Dear Educators, When you have “end of year”, “end of semester” or “end of testing” parties, and base participation in those events on “good behavior”, you’re making some children feel TERRIBLE and alienating them in the process. Your students want to do well. ALL KIDS WANT TO DO WELL! The students who were “bad” were having a hard time meeting...
The Dropoff

August 14, 2023
I went to an elementary school early to experience the morning dropoff and help anyone who may need a little support with the transition into school. As I arrived at the school, I was “announced” by a group of some of my tiny friends: “MR. GREG IS HEEEEEERE!” I’ve been an OT for almost a quarter of a century. That...
Manipulating Kids via Mascots: Compliance-Based Behavior Management Under the Guise of School Spirit.

August 3, 2023
Bulldog Bucks Cougar Cash Lion Loot Panther Points Tiger Tickets Spartan Stars Schools are addicted to using extrinsic rewards to get compliance. The philosophy is simple and steeped in behaviorism: Reward the behavior you want, and deny access or punish for behavior you don’t want. For the kids who are able to meet expectations, these behavior programs are often unnecessary....