Say You’re Sorry (But Only If You Mean It!)

Say You’re Sorry!
(but only if you mean it!)
We often demand an apology from kids when they do something to another child.
But what if they don’t mean it?
What if they’re NOT sorry?
What if they think THEY’VE been wronged?
What if they’re still angry about what happened?
Here are a few articles to further explain why forced apologies are not only NOT helpful, but can have some negative unintended consequences. The articles also contain suggestions about what to do instead.……/demanding-apology…
I don’t demand apologies. I will always model behavior I want to teach children, but I will not force a child to lie because ‘that’s what we’ve always done’. If you’re curious (or even a bit triggered), I encourage you to read the articles and of course, we would love for you to share your thoughts in the comments!